Blockchain Blog — digital artwork
Get Creative: Build Your Own Fantasy Dreamscape on Upland
Posted by Micah Balazs on
Trying new gaming platform's is a great way to explore the potential of blockchain technology and experience the metaverse in a whole new way. Think about being able to purchase digital real estate, build your own homes, stores, and businesses, and create your own fantasy or sci-fi dreamscapes!
Screen readers can help make web 3 applications more accessible.
Posted by Micah Balazs on
Are you a person with a disability looking for accessible web 3 applications? Screen readers are a great option! In this blog post, we’ll look at how screen readers can help make web 3 applications more accessible to people with disabilities.
Web3 scalability, visual and audio cues for people with disabilities.
Posted by Micah Balazs on
Do you want to make sure your web 3 application is accessible to users with disabilities? Scalability is the key! In this blog post, we’ll explore why scalability is so important when it comes to web 3 applications and accessibility.
Upland Marketplace, a virtual trading platform.
Posted by Micah Balazs on
If you’re interested in exploring the Upland Marketplace and the opportunities available to invest in digital assets and NFTs, then sign up to Enfte’s Blockchain Blog today! Our blog offers the latest news and insights into the Upland metaverse, as well as guides and tutorials to help you get started. Sign up now and start exploring the potential of investing in Upland’s digital assets and NFTs!
Exploring the Upland Metaverse
Posted by Micah Balazs on
Investing in virtual real estate can be a lucrative and fun way to earn cryptocurrency, and the Upland metaverse provides a unique opportunity to do so. In Upland, players can buy and sell virtual properties, such as houses and businesses, using UPX, a cryptocurrency specific to the game.